Chance to win $1000
Starting in 2025, we're excited to announce our collaboration with Soundbox Studios to introduce an exhilarating Kpop & Jpop dance competition
June 15, 2025
2025 Judge
2025 Judge
All applications are required to apply and must be approved by Tokyo X team before allowed to sell during the event.
ADDRESS: NRG Park, 1 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77054
EVENT DATE: Sunday, June 15th, 2025
Entry Fee = $25 registration fee per dancer
(registration fee is only required after being accepted into competition)
Once submissions are closed, the team will be reviewing submission and results will be annouced via email a week later
All team members recieve "2 Day Badge" for Saturday & Sunday
Stage Time
Chance to win $1000
Team brand on Website
*** Music Guidelines ***
Total play time of track must not exceed 4 minutes.
Music must be cleaned/edited (no profanity). If the music sent in contains explicit language, it will result in the team’s disqualification
To ensure a high quality show, music submitted should also be at higher resolution. (CD quality of 16 bits minimum). If you have any questions, please reach out and we can always refer you to an audio professional who can level your music.
Must be KPOP and/or J-POP releases language: The purpose of this competition is to celebrate Asian music and culture. This is not exclusive to J-Rock, J-R&B, J Hip-Hop, etc.
Upon acceptance into the competition, a full artist and track title list must be provided prior to the performance with the music.
Discretion will be solely upon the Soundbox and Tokyo X committee for song choice approval. If you are unsure, feel free to reach out to our staff for any questions.
*** Stage Dimensions and Guidelines ***
Stage dimensions are 24x28x3,
The maximum weight capacity is no more than 20 people on the stage at one time, whether stationary or moving.
*** Judging Criteria & Guidelines ***
There will be a panel of judges from different areas of the dance / music / entertainment industry. The criteria will be judged on the following:
Execution (maximum 45 points)
Cleanliness and Clarity of Movement
Quality of Textures
Performance Value and Stage Presence
Originality and Creativity (maximum 25 Points)
Cohesive Concept, Theme, and/or Variety of Styles
Flow of music and transitions
Visuals / Formations (maximum 20 points)
Level Changes
Depth and usage of stage
Variety of dancers / dancer usage on stage
Crowd Appeal (maximum 10 points)
-Crowd Reaction and Engagement
Total Maximum Points = 100
Dance Submission Form
$25 registration fee per dancer
If you have further questions please contact us